Thursday, August 30, 2007

Allison and Ivan - Dance to Annie Lennox

Watched a re-run for the TV show, “So You Think You Can Dance” tonight. The number to Annie Lennox – Why was so moving I found it on You Tube and decided to post. Ivan and Allison the dancers are so young and cute! Then they perform this mature number and it’s very touching. Watch Allison jump, I absolutely love her individual style.

Sorry if this isn't as good on You Tube as it is on the big screen.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Funny Pregnancy Cartoons

I bought this little cartoon book with a few pregnancy tips, it had me in tears laughing and reminded me not to buy a thong bikini this year.

Yes I don't believe in any type of recording device in the delivery room!

How I feel sometimes when a bad mood peaks.

Friday, August 24, 2007


What a busy week for me, I'm happily in the midst of reorganizing and cleaning the entire house. I had a cleaning lady visit on Wednesday all the carpets cleaned Thursday and today a gardener is mowing the lawn and weeding the garden. I even spent half an hour this morning washing baseboards and window sills before heading to work. Next up if I'm still inspired I might try some painting. Why is nesting so much fun!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Small Update

Well it’s been an interesting few weeks. I am feeling nauseated but I think it’s more from the prenatal pills. This last week I’ve been switching around my vitamin cocktail trying to find something that doesn’t make me sick about half hour after taking it. I’ve never been a vitamin person so having to stomach all this is seemingly making me very cranky. That’s another thing I’m noticing, my moods are more intense and I feel really aggressive. Quentin and I had a fight not so long ago and I slammed 2 doors at 1 in the morning, and I never do that. Sorry honey I’ll have to try better not to lose my cool.

My weight seems to be stable right now, I gained a bit from taking a camping trip and eating huge meals for a few days but I know the pregnancy wasn’t to blame for that. So far my weight gain seems to be under control now and I’m considering writing down everything I eat for a week and then visiting a nutritionist just to make sure I’m consuming the right about of calories and receiving the proper nutritional requirements. Luckily for me my Mom is still a healthy weight after having three children so hopefully I’ll be like her. In case I take after my Dad’s side of the family however, I’m going to try to take precautions and just be really aware.

In terms of exercise well yesterday I went for a three hour bike ride from False Creek to the end of Spanish Banks and I pretty much died. I need to get a gel seat and maybe just go more often so I’m not so out of shape. I like biking for exercise though, it’s low impact which is good for the knees, you get to look around at all the new places you can visit while biking and the cutest part is seeing all the families on bikes with babies on the back. I’m hoping Quentin and I will be able to take our babies with us and go for family exercise adventures. Of coarse this won’t happen for a long time but it’s still just one of those things to look forward to.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Our Renovation Project is Finally Done!

Highview Blog

Lisa's Diet gets a makeover.

I couldn't stand my old blog template anymore, it was time for a change. I Hope everyone likes it and make sure to click back, I plan to increase my blogging efforts once again.

Outdoor Movie

We watching the movie Goonies in an outside theater the other night. We brought our blankets and pillows and cuddled under the stars. It's defiantly a favorite way to watch movies in the summer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Well it finally happened to me!

I'm estatic, I'm nervous, I can't wait, I'm really scared! I'm about a month along now and hoping for a continued healthy 8 months of pregnancy.

So far beside the nausea everything is great. Click back, I'll be sure to do the tummy shots.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Boating the Strait of Georgia!

I had a chance to run one of my Dad's boats this weekend, nothing feels more like summer.

Gorgeous boat, I decided to snap a picture from my dingy as I drove by.

My super cool brother, he doesn't need to stand behind the wheel to drive the boat.

Quentin and Michelle

Another very cool boat.