Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So big at 34 weeks!

I decided to stay home from work today to try to relax. Here's me at about 34 weeks although I could be about 35. I can't believe how big my stomach is, I feel like it's become a third of everything I am right now. My stomach has gone from being more round to having flat spots and I can feel how the baby is lying, which is really neat.

I'm fortunate in that the baby is head down and according to my doctors, I'm "in the 90% percentile" and "it's going to be at least 8 pounds for sure". So I'm glad if anything the baby seems to be healthy.

I've decided I’ve a new found respect for the pregnant lady, I had NOOOO idea how difficult it would be to get around and do normal activities. For instance I bought 2 pairs of black tights last night and ripped both pairs while trying to put them on this morning. My stomach got in the way, my feet were too swollen and I'm just a victim of being pregnant and clumsy.

So come baby come, I can’t wait to meet you finally!

p.s I like this video.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Why Buy Expensive Toys.

Quentin sent me this clip today, it's so adorable. I couldn't stop smiling and now I want to run out and buy even more little jumpers suits.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Can't Wait

This hasn't happened to me yet, although I've heard one friend tell me about seeing hands and feet on her stomach.
I can't wait now for the baby to be born, I'm sleeping less and less, I'm retaining so much water. I really really miss my old body, I can't wait to be able to be able to move normally again. Pregnancy blues seem to be striking me this morning too, I just need to hang in their a little longer. Hopefully these last few weeks don't take too long to pass!

p.s I've been informed that the foot is photoshopped!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quentin's Superb Packing Job

We went to Seattle a few weeks ago to pick up nusery furniture. Quentins eyes became even bigger when he saw the boxes we need to bring home. With a little organization and random pulling over on the highway, he made it work. Good Job honey!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Coolest Baby Pic!

Underwater baby pics.

Happy Valentines

Post Secret Valentines - website I was checking this morning and I like the slide show!

To all my friends I wish you lots of luck in love this year!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'm Up!

It's 4 am and this is the second time in the last 2 weeks were I just gave up trying to sleep and decided to go walk around for a bit. I found a bowl of cereal went to the washroom a few times and now I'm writing on my blog to kill time. Hopefully this will make me tired enough to fall back to sleep.

At this point I can't wait till the baby comes, I'm really excited but very nervous about the change. It's reminds me of being in grade 6 and waiting for summer break. Or when I first moved into this house and couldn't sleep for 2 months from the stress of it.

Quentin is really excited too but he thinks I shouldn't worry so much. He's right but I haven't exactly figured out how to completely control my unconscious brain. I do find however, that writing about whatever worries me helps. Just seems to take the edge off and my brain will stop dreaming and wandering back to issues I've taken the time to discuss.

What else, my nesting tendencies are in full tilt. I want everything perfect before the baby comes. Nursery completely done, house organized, taxes finished...

Okay I think I'm tired enough to attempt sleep again, honey because I love you and we seem to be nicer to each other when not deprived of sleep. I'm passing out in the guest room so I can toss and turn for next few hours and not ruin the next 2 hours of your sleep.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I'm 31 Weeks

Size: 15 inches (39 cm) Weight: 3.3 pounds (1500 grams) Small image & info

Sometimes Mom tries to grab one of my feet, that's a fun game!"

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bumping Me

All together in Jamacia

Part of the fun of an all inclusive is eating and drinking all the time.