Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Oh the Oprah website today!

Kiristi Alley was quoted this on the Oprah website, and I felt that I could totally relate. When I did Weight Watchers it was a game and that's why I liked it so much and stuck with it. I feel like I've mastered that game and memorized everything so now I need a new game. That's why this blog was good for a few weeks because it was a game to keep everything online. Ah it's so hard to keep focused.

"You know, I don't usually say this, but [Jenny Craig] has been a godsend," Kirstie says. "I needed a game. I'm one of those people that if you give me a sport or a game or make something really fun for me, then I'm on board. And I was just tired of the whole subject weight loss, blah blah bale. And this has been so much fun because they have 8,000 things you can order [to eat], and you get your own consultant!"

I too would be fascinated by all the different things you could eat. It does sound like fun.

Totally different topic:
Saw the Britnney Spears show tonight and I'm not sure what I think about it. I'll definatley keep watching it for now! Unfortunatley I think it could get boring very quickly we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that it's all about making it a game! It gets too boring otherwise.
