Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ohh Kate what do you think of this, I like it! Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the mannequin looks prego

p.s. i totally do not think you look like kim catrall anymore
lately i am noticing britney on young and restless is more like what you look like.

Lisa's Diet said...

I guess next time were out and some Dude says, "heyyyyy you look like what's her name" I'll say well you have a choice Kim Catrall or maybe Britney from The Young and the restless, that should confuse him momentarily.

Lisa's Diet said...

I was just thinking this dress is the ultimate for correction/enhancement. Black slimming on the bottom with gold sequins right on your boobs. It couldn't be better unless you had lights sewn right into the dress.

stephoto said...

i like it lisa - where did u see it?

Anonymous said...

has anyone else said you look like britney? the resemblance is uncanny

Lisa's Diet said...

alright anonymous I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and I though she was you, so who are you?
And I've never seen this Britney before.

Anonymous said...

hey lisa.
it's tanya (see you at calvin and sharon events and you and q had erik and i over once - came to sharons pampered chef partae at your digs)
yes, i admit
stay at home mom , bored while the boy is sleeping. (he's awake now and screaming)
i sent the oksand buouil comment, too btw.
tee hee. love yer

Anonymous said...

p.s. britney has been on y and r for a few years now.
been watching it since i was 10
you are totally britney.
not kc anymore, i feel
more britney
the boy is awake

Anonymous said...

oh and for the record,i called the mannegquin prego, too.


but i checked it out again and realized you have a point on the comments about the dress.


Quentin said...

Check this link out...

Is this the girl you're all talking about??

Anonymous said...

i see the name woodland. so yep.
her name is lauren woodland.
markus is on my knee and hitting keys so can't go in the link.
kids i tell ya
sup Q

Lisa's Diet said...

Tanya you are so funny I want to see your blog, and babies are never boring especially yours. p.s What's your email so I can add you to my msn.

Anonymous said...

hey girl

that pic of lauren woodland is so not you.

on your blog there is a pic of you that looks like lauren woodland but definately this pic of her is not you.

BUT , check out the show. i see similarities on tv definately.


p.s. i will do a blog soon possibly, cuz i love chatting. tee hee

Anonymous said...

for msn