Monday, January 01, 2007

New puppy in the family

On new years eve my parents and Bradley drove to Seattle to pick up a Cardigan Welsh Corgi puppy. As a family growing up we had another Corgi named Lad for 17 years. Now Bradley decided the family was in desperate need of another dog and finally convinced my parents on purchasing a new puppy. Here we all are at my house spending our first few moments with the puppy, who Bradley wants to call Diesel??? I think that will be vetoed however, everyone seems to like Oliver.
Watch his hind legs, he's double jointed and it's soooo cute!!!


stephoto said...

oh lisa, he is sooo adorable and it toally brings memories of laddy and it's so neat to see this guy as little puppy right at the beginning of his life! i'm sure he'll bring lots of happiness to the fam. happy new year!

Candice said...

My cats name is Oliver. haha