Saturday, September 24, 2005

Granville Island was really nice today. Posted by Picasa
p.s You can't tell me that my little brother isn't extremely photogenic and would make a perfect model for Abercrombi & Fitch


Anonymous said...

actually , this entire pic looks like a model shoot for denim. ie. you guys are all hot.

Lisa's Diet said...

Tayna you're so funny yes we all kinda match don't we.

Anonymous said...

match? understatement.
you guys are sizzlin.
whose the oscar mayer dude? he looks familiar.
i'm trying to play matchmaker for my girlfriend jen.
she is 26.
got any hotties?

Lisa's Diet said...

Oh that's brother number 1, he's 25 just bought a house, no girlfriend, mind you he says he doesn't want one but who knows.

Lisa's Diet said...

And his name is Jon.

Anonymous said...

wow, good for bro #1. bought a house. rock on.
as long as his name aint Aaron, we ok.
ha ha

Lisa's Diet said...

Well send picture over if you're up for it, but honestly when do setups ever work, do you have any friends that were actually set up?

Anonymous said...

i set up two people that worked out. had some bad luck and swore to never play matchmaker again. in a way i'm not playing matchmaker in this case cuz i dont know any guys you know. ha ha