Friday, September 02, 2005

Went shopping today and unfortunatley now that I'm home the guilt factor is starting to sink in. Bought a new bikini for hot tubing in the winter and it's a great geen/blue color. I've decided that I'm in love with red again and that aquamarine goes perfect with red. The 2 tops are from Stiches and were only 2 for $15 at Willowbrook. They're long and will go great with a belt over top. Unfortunatley the colors in the top picture aren't right and I had to adjust the green but now the blue is distored.

Futher to my bikini post, I'm feeling like today the fat fairy has come and cast a spell on me. I know that if I have increased my mass it's minimal, but for some reason I'm having one of those days were I looked in the mirror and think okay time to go back on a big diet. Actually it's mostly the bloat factor, but is it ever deadly.

The worst part is mentally scanning through my clothes thinking, "was that tight the last time I tried it on. I don't think it was, but now come to think of it maybe the last time I got out of a chair it was uncomforable."

I'm going to have to restrain myself from spending the next 30 minutes in the closet trying on clothes as I have other more productive things to do today than worry about this.


Anonymous said...

lisa, do you shop at old navy?
omg, smokin hot sales right now.
for all your buds with babies, those little newborn socks (3 in a pack for $750, which are a rip off) are on sale right now for 1.97.) i bought some of those cuz they are so cute in a gift bag at a shower or something.
all clothes for the whole fam is on sale though. omg. so cheap
have a good weekend.
pearl jam tonite. woooo hooooo.


Anonymous said...

p.s. love the bikini and accessories, too.

Anonymous said...

lisa, omg.
other night i weighed myself 146
next morn 138 (flutuation sucks)
drink 12 glasses of water tomrrow
you'd be amazed at what happens when you beef it up abit.
you know this though.
i think you are just suffering a brain burp.
settle girl
and grab a glass o H30

Anonymous said...


Lisa's Diet said...

Okay Squirmy Man I tried to edit for you, wriggle on that for a while.

Lisa's Diet said...

T your right I'm feeling lazy this afternoon, but I think I've got it under control now. :) And no, no Old Navy for me today.

Anonymous said...

