Monday, August 21, 2006

Tofino is Sweet!

I've done it! I've successfully converted the city slicker to outdoorsy water loving surfer girl, theirs no going back now Tofino has captured our hearts.

Hadley and I all geared up for a day on the water.

Those wetsuits were terrible to put on!

Another sunset picture.

Cat waiting for scraps by the kitchen. One of the chefs told us that he was a stray and we were lucky to be standing so close to him.

The beach

Heading down the path at Cox Beach

Our girly campsite.

In the setting sun.

Tail gate party at the ferries with KFC, mmmmmm!

Hanging out with the band.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

Long time no see! I just got back from Tofino on Sunday... when were you there? Were you at Cox Beach at all?

Anonymous said...

Hey! Yup I was there Saturday and Sunday at Cox Beach! Spent the majority of the day trying not to drown in those huge waves. I'm hoping to make it back up for the long weekend, what great place!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I had sooo much fun... please, please, PLEASE can we go back soon? I am determined to get up on that board now and no one can stop me... Thanks for such a great time.

Anonymous said...

Yah we'll go, how can we not, it will be the last weekend of summer.

Anonymous said...

I love those sunset pictures. You girls are sooooo beautiful!!