Thursday, December 14, 2006

Taking it too far!

Christmas tree banned from courthouse lobby


Jenns Theatre said...

yes, but do we put Diwali lights on the courthouses? Has a menora ever been set up at the courthouses? I think they both have points. This country was not only founded by Christians. We have to try to remember this (myself, a catholic, included)

Lisa's Diet said...

Well I think modern Canada was settled by European Christians who brought the tradition of the Christmas tree and our countries court system. If we’d like to incorporate new traditions to reflex our new population that’s great, but we shouldn’t be asked to hide our old traditions. If I went to live in a new country I would think it ludicrous to ask them to hide their traditions, if fact wouldn’t it be exciting to try to incorporate some of their traditions into my new life. I know our countries strength is its multiculturalism, but as we try to be sensitive and incorporate the minority into our countries culture we should still the respect and honor those having had traditions here for hundreds of years. Also a Christmas tree is simply very pretty during the grey dark winter season, why can’t we just accept it for that instead of associating it with strong religious beliefs.
K that was fun Jen, thanks for commenting. :)

Jenns Theatre said...

I really like your arguments Lisa. I agree that a Christmas tree is a very beautiful thing in the midst of this very dark and grey season. And I agree that we should not by any means abandon our traditions. The fact of the matter is that the Christmas tree is a Christian symbol. What I think is most important here is the fact that we're talking about courthouses. I am completely against taking down all Christmas trees or calling them holiday trees. I would even support trees in parliament. However, I completely understand having an issue with a Christmas tree in a courthouse. The Canadian courthouses are supposed to be the most neutral institution in the country whether it was established by Christian Europeans or not. Everyone should be able to walk into the courthouse and see that it is a neutral place where everyone is equal before the law. It is not unreasonable to think that perhaps a man or woman of a different religion may not feel equal if bombarded with Christian symbology. This is my only problem though I want to point out again. People should embrace new traditions , and I aboslutely would if in another country as well. But in courthouses I have to support that judges decision.

Anonymous said...

If you don't celebrate Christmas then a Christmas tree should be just another tree. If I walked into the same court house and saw Chanukah decorations I wouldn't think twice. I'm not Jewish but why should it offend me if other people are celebrating their religion? They aren't asking me to change my beliefs, they're just excited about theirs. Why does Christmas have to be offensive? Putting up a symbol of religious celebration isn't asking other people to change what they do in the privacy of their own home, it does just that.. shares the celebration. Besides, Christmas isn't even about religion for a lot of people anymore. It's a celebration of family and friends (and gifts). Honestly, I just think some people need to find something to be pissy about.