Monday, September 26, 2005


Check out these pictures of Brad and Angelina with their mock family. For some reason I was very fascinated with these pics, they are both such incredible good looking people you kind of just want to stare. Both of them are kind of off too, a little weird and maybe that makes them even more attractive. Like these pictures of them hanging out like Mommy and Daddy to all these kids!!! Jennifer Anniston commented oh how Brad was insensitive to do a magazine article so soon after their divorce, and I can't help but agree.
Take another look at Angelina, she is too skinny, she kind of looks like skin and bones in one of the pictures. You kind of look at them and think they are awful people how horrible for them to be together, but at the same time you're sort of fascinated by the fact that they don't appear to care what anyone thinks and in some way that makes them even more interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it is dangerous to work with angelina. she is amazingly sultry. if brad went for her, though, i still think his marriage was already in trouble?
who knows, who cares, al iknow is you are right, they dont care cuz they were at west edmonton mall the other day and didn't have disguises.
i still love jen, but each to their own i guess.