Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Don't buy Gas on Thursday

I sent out a forward which I hardly ever do, to remind people not to buy Gas on Thursday September 1. Almost immediatey I had 2 different replies that it won't make any difference to the oil companies.
I thought about it and maybe it's true but I still think not buying gas on Thursday is good for awareness. There are all sorts of days out there, Cancer day, Aids day, they don't cure the disease that day but everyone at least spends a little bit more time thinking about the particular problem.
You have to remember that no corporate companies are going to advocate not purchasing on any day so their won't be a big banner on the street next to ESSO saying don't come in today.
So I still say don't buy gas on Thursday and lets just see what happens, it's good for awareness if anything.


Anonymous said...

Lets should have been spelt let's, as in let us.

Anonymous said...

But what happens on september 2nd? Now all the people that didn't buy gas have to get some, plus all the people that would normally buy gas that day. It'll be like on a long weekend when they jack the prices because the demand is up.

I think everyone should try to use no gas on september 1st.

Lisa's Diet said...

hmmm yah that's good too but I think they already call that Green or recycle day. This is a specific screw you gas companies day because today you’re not making any profit. Cause really they should be putting a greater percentage of their profits towards R&D companies that use different sources of Energy, like General Hydrogen. Then maybe Quentin won't have to consider the job market in way the hell over there Burnaby which causes him to double his gas consumption every day. So no matter what this buy no gas makes sense in my own little head.