Saturday, August 27, 2005

I didn't know I could look at the sun through a little telescope like this, but you can. Tonight I'm going to try to find Jupiter and Venus getting really close. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

my parents used to give me binoculars and tell me to go look for the man in the sun... and now i'm blind :(

naa just joking.

Anonymous said...

man in the moon

Anonymous said...

omg, good movie.
man in the mooon. with reese wutherspoon. her first movie (it even says 'and introducing reese witherspun ').
if you wanna see a good tear jerker, rent that movie. sooooooo good.
reese is adorable in the movie.

yes, i know how to spell her name. reese witherspoon. just being annoying back, you you you spell checker perv. :o)~~~~~~
