Monday, August 15, 2005

Interesting Diet Trivia

Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.


Anonymous said...

pro or con?
lisa, i'm struggling with this one
i get so much mixed info i'm so frustrated.
talk to me ww queen
still plump and planning the second.
i'm hooped arne't i?
i'm goona be huge.

Lisa's Diet said...

Go to WW do the meetings.... ask your self how much would you pay to be smaller.

Anonymous said...

thanks anyways,

Lisa's Diet said...

Oh you sound disappointed, Hey my Dad is doing the Bernstein diet and he said women go to the clinic all the time for "tune ups". Apparently they inject your troubles spots and it increases your metabolism. Doesn't that sound like fun???

Anonymous said...

bought the new o magazine.
such a great article in this month about how everyone thinks they need to lose 'the last 10 pounds'. i coulnd't believe how many woman who looked great fell into this category. and i'm one of them.
5'3.5 = 139.
34 years old.
probably not too shabby of a weight.
but we all just want to be 25 again, dont we?
i have too many tiny friends, too, i think.
that is part of it. (the insecurity).
we are all unigue.
i should embrace my jlo bootyx2. right?
we'll see.

Anonymous said...

p.s. yes, i was disappointed, cuz i guess i wished you would have said 'yep, have all the potatoes you want, they wont go to your ASSets.'
tee hee
i barely have potatoes. i crave them though.
yum in my ___________?