Friday, August 26, 2005

My first labtop ever (Lap top sorry)

It's Friday night just got back from False Creek and visiting Sharon and Cal. It's such a nice little area down there so many people, but at some point you have to wonder were do they all come from, lady rollerblading in the dark at 9:30. I love all the activity but at the same time it's so many things, a bit overwhelming for a suburb girl.
Anyways I just got home and Quentin presented me with this cute little labtop and I'm thrilled. I'm currently upstairs sitting in my bedroom cause it's warmer and cozier here. Down stairs is right by the window and for some reason I was too lazy to actually shut it so I just came upstairs.
So now I can actually lie down and type and I'm trying to decide if this is a good thing.
On the one had I don't have to sit at my desk anymore and it's probably way better for my neck not to use the mouse hand so much.... On the other I wonder what is a healthy amount of computer time and do I really need much more. I must admit I rarely watch tv I much prefer to type or read whatever is interesting on line. Mind you it's summer and it's mostly to hot or nice out to sit inside and watch tv.
So for that question what is a healthy amount of computer time? Hmmmm not so simple to answer.
As long as your being productive does that make it healthy? I guess then you have to ask what's productive.
That can be a slippery slop cause can't we all justify any little activity as being productive. Like reading an article on a subject that's interesting but not really benefiting your daily to do list.
What about recreation and relaxation time, surely you cann't be productive at all hours, that's way to exhausting.
Speaking of exhausting I'm finding that lying down is making me really drowsy and I need to take my contacts out and go to sleep. Darn contact so annoying.


Anonymous said...

they are called laptops, cause you can put them on your lap.

Lisa's Diet said...

smart ass

Anonymous said...

i've never seen one person with a lap top on their lap.

k, now i'm having some fun on my lunch break.

thanks for the laughs lisa.

