Thursday, February 09, 2006

Campbell Valley Park

Today Sharon came to visit and we went to Campbell Valley Park for walks and to take pictures. We found so many interesting things to take pictures of and we talked a lot about macro pictures and how to make something smaller look bigger.

Here's a tree stump, this made me think of Lord of The Rings, like it's a secret tower.

Same idea with this one.

Sharon took this, I love how soft it looks.

Close up of a tree trunk.

First leaves of spring.

The duckies were all paired up, swimming together as couples, such a romantic pond. Spring is closer than we expect.

Feeding the horse a carrot.


Anonymous said...

Lisa it was such an amazingly gorgeous day and I had a great time.I want Peanut!!
Thanks for that mouth watering tomato, shrimp and chicken soup! I am going to make it tomorrow.


Kortus Family said...

Great pics Lisa!

Lisa's Diet said...

That was a great day and their are so many locations we can do that. I can't wait to get an SLR camera and play with appature how exciting.