Monday, July 31, 2006

Coast Line at Southern Oregon


We spent the majority of today driving the coast line, and just before Lincon City the HWY turned and showed us this fantastic view. Quentin and I had to pull over to take this picture. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What a spectacular coastline. Nice photo!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Pics Lisa!!!

I miss you alot, hope you guys are having a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having lots of fun. Get Back to WORK!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God my Jonathan commented I think I'm going to have a heart attack.
I'm at a Casino somewhere off the I5 in Southern Oregon and I've have a few too many rum and diet cokes because I'm pretty much the only who looks under 30 and since Quentin is off playing poker for 2 hours to reduce our room fees from $129 to $59 (poker rate) I get to wander the hallways and have drinks bought for me. P.S. Jon today I surfed in California and I actually got up a whole bunch of times!!! p.s Please beat up Bradley for me for having a stupid party at my house while I was away, someone needs to punch him hard!!!!!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I miss you too Candice, I'll post more pics when we get a room with Wi-Fi. :)

Anonymous said...

My sweet hearts how are you I hope you are having a good time. When are you coming home. Please let me know. I was watering your garden yesterday. Text message me if you can.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mom we've actually had a really good vacation, so interesting to just drive around. Everyday we pretty much drive for a couple hours and find something new. Tonight we're staying in one of these casino/hotels which are very clean and new but relatively cheap. Be home tomorrow.
p.s To everyone else I feel bad about the thirty comment, I should have said 60 and doesn't smoke like a chimney or something like that.