Friday, February 04, 2005


This week has gone by so fast, I feel like it should still be Monday. That said we might as well not have had this week because my scale seems to be broken or something, in other words it hasn't moved. I'm still hovering at 135lb and I want to be extra skinny for Saturday. So I'm going to try to have 2 salads today and see if I can drain some more water out of me. (Actually I have huge 1 liter bottle of water that I drink)
Here it goes!!!
Coffee/Cream combo 1
Toast 1
Light Havariti 1

Starbucks Tuna Penne 5 (I sticking to that I know I'm right)
Iced Grande Sugar Free Hazelnut Americano, with some whole milk on top. 0
Kate did I say that in the right order. It's iced before size right?

Note: You never know were you'll meet someone, as I was picking up the Tuna Penne and I sort of got excited because they had one, and gave a little closed mouth squeel. What can I say I really like this salad. The gentleman beside me was like it's good hey, so I told him how great the salad was and that it has no dressing it's still good. Then somehow we started talking about Cloverdale. Next thing you know he's telling me that he's headed to Cambelle Valley buy a 10 acre parcel of land for his manufactuing company. I told him what a wonderful area it was. So we exchanged cards and he's the president of the company. Hey you never know he might want to buy a house in this area to live close to his plant.

Double Note: I went to IGA to get dinner on the way home from Cloverdale and the same guy was there getting ham at the deli. I was like no way can't be the same person. I felt kind of dumb though, what if he thought I was stocking him or something, so I didn't say anything, but I'm 99% sure it was him. What are the chances of that happenin!!!!!!

Triple Note: Today is just a day against all odds. I had an offer accepted that I just didn't think would ever happen, and then at my last appointment my customer hit my car. She backed into it while I was in the house with the property inspection. It was so hard not to be like, nooooooooooo. But I was like it's okay, it's Friday night, we'll just deal with this later. I hate making decisions right away anyways I like to think about it for a bit.

Anyways I can't really decide if today was good or not.
I got an excepted offer but my car got smacked.
Tough Call

Dinner, forgot to add it.
Homemade burger and fries, burger pattie itself was 7 points.
Bun 2
Cheese 2
Fries 5
Mayo 2
Olive Oil in tossed Salad 1
Juice 1
27 Total for the day

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