Saturday, February 12, 2005

Love and Dating services

I'm receiving the Sun on Saturday mornings, and for some reason this morning I read tons of articles. And usually when I decide to read an article I have to read the whole thing, I can't jump around and I feel pretty ripped off if I can't finish.
So their was one article that I read and then had to re-read. You know the type were you're like I really agreed with that they said but I can't repeat it.
I was essential on the pros and cons of dating services. Now I've always been a bit of a match maker, I don't know why, but when I see two people I figure why not put them together and see what happens. To this day I haven't matched anyone with a potential husband of wife, but I've seen a relationship or 2 happen.
So they asked a Vancouver psychologist Gordon Reid, what a meaningful relationship was and I thought his explanation was pretty good. I'm going to quote.
{A meaningful relationship, says Reid, usually begins when one person expresses interest in another person in such a way that the other feels invited to let themselves be known for who they are.
"We treat others quite unconsciously as though they are what we think they are and never give them the room to express really who they are...... we are constantly trying to make them something that we think they are,"says Reid.
In a good relationship, once two people begin to grow, they will changed in a direction that is in keeping with their natural being, rather than in a direction that is forced through the demands of the other.
It is this growth that makes people feel alive, that makes them feel their partner is vital to them.
Reid likes to refer to M. Scott Peck's definition of love as "the will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing one's own and another's spiritual growth." It's a subtle quality that's probably not on most dating profile questionnaires. }
Note: Scott Peck wrote, "The Road Less Traveled" which is my bible to mental health.
They went on to say that it's very hard to find this on the Internet or Matchmaking service, because people lie about themselves or enter a fantasy world of instant intimacy that has little to do with reality. The people who use the services thed to be the ones who couldn't click with people in the usual places, friends, family, workplace, school, rec center, gym, or even the bar.
I guess those are the places your expected to meet.
Once you've exhausted the usual avenues, people start looking for a more proactive, business - like way of finding a partner. It's like having your own marketing plan.
Personally I think why not, but you'd defiantly have your work cut out for you. It's like trying to find perfectly cut diamond, they all look pretty at first but you have to put it under the microscope and examine it before you know if it's what your looking for or not.


Anonymous said...

Your top looked great tonight.
You are looking great and I love the pictures. Mt.Baker is so beautiful on a sunny, clear day!

I don't think that I like dating services...people need to open their minds to what is around them. Relationships are never perfect and are never 50/50. One person is always down or always up and it is the relationship that helps to even it out. You may need to give a little for a while and then take a little for a while. (that one is courtesy of my mom) People shouldn't be looking for the perfect person and have crazy,high expectations....look for someone fun, with similar interests, and see how it grows from there. I think that expectations kill relationships and that when a relationship ends, it happens because one or both people in it need time and space to grow....and you never know what the future brings.
If you love somthing set it free...if it returns it is yours...if it doesn't, it was never truly yours to begin with!

Love ya Lisa!

Anonymous said...


Lisa's Diet said...

I like that Kimmy, thanks for posting.