I'm so in love with my new rodo! I had to cause such a huge fuss to get it and everyone was trying to talk me into a smaller wimper one. But now that it's in it's new home and I of coarse was right all along I'm so extra please with myself everytime I look at it. So here are 2 more pictures of the Rhodo as it comes into full bloom. Hopefully tomorrow Quentin will bring home the SLR camera and I can take some higher quality pictures.

Wowwwwyyy!!! That is so gorgeous Lisa! You are so lucky to have that!
derek says rhodos are quite finicky and it will have the best chance of survival after the transplant if it is planted in a similar environment to where it came from. so if you can create an artificial environment that might help it to survive too (ie. if it came from a row of rhodos or if it was shaded or fully sunlight) but if it is nursery grown, its probably fine. just wanted to let you know!
That sounds right but I transfered the big one from a sort of shady spot to the brightest hottest spot in my yard, so I'll just have to take a chance. I really hope it does okay, I'm going to water it like crazy this summer and feed it Rhodo food. I'll take that into consideration for next time. :)
i guess you could always set up a patio umbrella next to the rhodo to try to get it accustomed to its new environment. it would be too bad if it didn't survive.
Hmmm good idea, well right now it's rainning so much that I'll just let it be, but if it starts to get really hot out there and it doesn't look so good, I'm going to try that.... {and if Quentin is like what are you doing I'll say Amanda told me to :):)} Just kidding thanks for the tip, I do appreciate it.
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