Friday, October 21, 2005

Sushi on Granville St

Chris and I went for Sushi last night, considering both Candice and Quentin were either working or at home sick. This Sushi place has little barbecues so you cook your own meat. I even tried the barbecued Squid, which was actually okay maybe a little rubbery. So here Chris is trying to finish all the food he ordered because it's all you can eat for $20 dollars. However what you don't eat you have to pay for and he majorly underestimated my eating power. In the end he almost finished it all and the waiter said that was good enough. Good Job Chrissy!

I'll have to find out the name of this restaurant, it was so good.

After we went to see this new movie with Mathew McConaughey's new movie with Al Pacino 2 for the money. It was based on football and gambling and was okay. The only part that I really liked was how they dealt with the issues of addiction , they really explained well why people can't let go, and I really felt what they meant.

So thanks Chris you were a great date but next time I do expect you to buy me popcorn, candy and a drink, especially when I have to see a guy movie. :)

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