Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Trinity Western News

So my little brother goes to Trinity Western University, which boasts a very Christian community. At chapel today it's announced that the President is under investigation for sexually harassing one of the facility members.

Ahhhhh that sucks. He was the President when I went to Trinity I never really knew him but he seemed like a normal competent leader. How is it that a guy who has everything in the palm of his hand, even the devotion of an entire university just couldn't help himself. I guess no matter how developed we become we are ultimately still driven by our primary needs. But that's Maslow's theory, "Hierarchy of Needs"

Actually Brad just told me that his wife just died recently, poor guy. I'm not looking forward to the day when I've been together with my spouse for 30 years and one of us kicks off first. When you think about it most old people are lonely because their spouse that they spent a life time with has just passed on. I hope I die first cause I know Quentin would be better at handling the, "being alone" way better than me.

I want to note as well that even though I feel sorry for Dr. Snider I really hope the faculty member (God hopefully a lady) isn't hurt in any way and that I'm not trying to justify his actions.


Anonymous said...

Manslow's theory is actually refering to motivation. When each need is substantially satisfied, the next need become more important to fufill (motivation). This would not make sence with regards to your dear President as sex is a physiological need, which is at the very bottom of the piramid. I'm sure a (private)university Pres. isn't at the bottom of a needs piramid ($$$).

Lisa's Diet said...

Hmmm I detect a bit of anger, are you upset or something.

Quentin said...

I didn't detect anger. It seemed more like a well thought out intellectual rebuttal. Guess you weren't part of Trinity's debate team...

Well, that's my two cents.

Lisa's Diet said...

Actually Kate and I had a huge conversation about this on msn last night(it's her comment), which I thought I told you about!!!! And yup it does makes sense cause even though he's the president(self actualized) he's obviously willing to put it all on the line to satisfy a lower need (love) that might have been missing since his wife died. It's like building a house and if one of your foundations falls apart you can't focus on the pretty exterior until the structure is fixed.
p.s I've been thinking about this too, when I went to that Tracey Bryan seminar he said that almost all successful people had one person who really believed in them. That fits this theory too.

Anonymous said...

If you want more info...

He harassed her in the form of phone calls, unwanted invitation, and unwanted touching. The actual harassing part on his part wasn't that bad. The part which she didn't like and apparently launched her complaint over was the fact that after the pres. denied her, he substantially reduced her job description. I'm not sure he's that stupid. I want to see the results of this investigation. Either way he will be gone in March. He announced his retirement 3 years ago (it was required he give 3 years notice for his retirement) and this is his last year. His retirement had nothing to do with the harassment suit. GOD IM DEFENDING THE INSITUTION I LOVE TO MAKE FUN OF AND CRITICIZE!! I guess I'm fucking growing up or something.

Lisa's Diet said...

k if that's true and he did reduce her job description, then he's a huge prick!

Anonymous said...

I know a bit more of the story including who that person is. From what it sounds like, some of the things were well known in the office. That is, that he was hard on her and pretty demanding. Demanding enough that she became actually scared of him.

Lisa's Diet said...

Hmmm that's to bad I guess he felt he could close the deal if he tried hard enough, poor lady.