Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm forced to drive this!

I would like to complain. This is the truck that I'm forced to drive for the next 4 days. My youngest brother took my Mom's car and smoked both hers and the older brothers car so now my mother is driving my Jetta. I'm lower in the family hierarchy than my Mom so I get the crappy car. This beast of a truck is massive, I can barely see over the steering wheel when driving, and I can almost not push in the clutch all the way. I can't park this thing straight yet either, this picture is the best job I could manage all day and the brakes are all crazy and the truck jumps forward if I don't stop right. Argggg so frustrating.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha.
sorry lisa, but i cna totally picture you driving this and i'm lmao.
oops, sorry
i shouldn't laugh but it's so funny.

Lisa's Diet said...

No you can laugh I think it's hilarious :) Stupid truck!

Anonymous said...

how's the truck driving going, today?

Lisa's Diet said...

I haven't gone out yet, but I will be soon, geez I'm scared!

Anonymous said...

i was like that when we first got our pilot. you'll get used to it.
chin up... literally. ha ha ha.
oops, my bad?
t hee