Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm a real runner now.

Okay tonight I officially joined the Running Room and put myself into the level 2 group. Not the walkers, but not the marathon runners. We didn't run that far but I had to work pretty hard. When I run as a group somehow the pack mentality kicks in for me and I want to be in the group that's up front. It doesn't mean that I'm totally comfortable up there but I try anyways. Tonight we ran to a track at a local high school and I had the worse cramps about half way through. I just thought oh no I'm not going to make it I made a big mistake. Somehow though I just kept running, the cramp started to go away, and pretty soon we were at the track doing bread and butter intervals. I really liked the interval training, we had to do high kick thingys and then interval training of running for 3 minutes, rest, 2 minutes, rest, then 1 minute. The idea was to run faster than your usual long distant pace. At first I had all this energy but by the second set I though oh no I can't do this anymore, but because the group is there you just force your self through it. No one wants to be the first to quite especially when the other ladies are in their 50's and your 27. The fee to join is $80 and I think it's going to be worth every penny because I know otherwise I won't push myself as hard.


Candice said...

WOw Lisa good for you! do you have to pay each time you go running or just initially?

Quentin said...

Good job - I'm real proud of you doing this!!

Anonymous said...

That's great Lisa! It really helps when someone is pushing you and you have the pressure from others.

Anonymous said...

Sharon wrote that last comment