Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday Stress

I would just like to say that the last few Sundays have been really busy for me and have sort of reached a peak today. It feels like I have multiple problems, and they are all totally separate but seem to be melding together in my mind. I was driving and trying to relax today when my Mom called. Instead of speaking normal and calm with her about my problem I instigated a debate and then hung up and started crying after she didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. I think I wanted to feel sorry for myself so I let her be the enemy. You only do that with the people your closest with. So anyways it will be fine, I already feel much better, but geez I was wondering today what's that fine line of good stress were you're pushing yourself to the next level or bad stress were it's starting to change you negatively. How do you monitor yourself, cause sometimes when you're wrapped up in something it's hard to really have perspective.

Here is an article on good/bad stress and I cut and pasted some quotes.

According to Bond, nobody enjoys the feeling of stress, but those who are
best able to manage it have high levels of what he calls psychological
Those who are psychologically flexible put themselves in fearful situations
to pursue their goals. People who deal well with stress typically allow
themselves to feel fear. The point about psychological flexibility is that you use your fear for a constructive end.

Dr Bond says that one of the reasons stress has become a modern affliction
is that as a society we live in an increasingly complex world. My grandfather
never spent the morning shouting at his computer while trying to get online,
for example.

Successful people have a history of being able to cope. They sleep well, eat well, take exercise and, crucially, have good relationships. This could be with a partner, a spouse or a friend what matters is that you have people in your life whom you can confide in.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, have you ever heard of heartquotes?
i think it's

check it out.


Anonymous said...

L, i get a daily inspirational quote. totlaly look forward to it. so much insight out there.

sign up, bud, you wont regret it


Lisa's Diet said...

We look at outside events as the source of stress, but in fact stress is really caused by our emotional reactions to events

I like that quote.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, i just signed up. it was so easy. only 1 step.
first name
last email
email address
my girlfriend sends them to me but i just signed up now cuz i need the quotes big time, especially in the winter.

Anonymous said...

hey, omg, i saw that quote the other day, that you just posted.
so, you're in the loop?
ie, did you sign up?

Anonymous said...

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. "