Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I read this article today in Pshychology today. Haven't you always found that some people are great at gossiping and you feel you trust them while others are just clued out about it. I love this article because it states the obvious and gives reason and justice to the horrible rath of gossip.
Sorry but the only way I could get this onto my blog was to scan and post pictures which you have to click amd make bigger to read.

p.s Tonight I read clips of this article for Quentin when he came home, I was happy to hear that he had never heard such a theory and after I finished I gleefully put down the magazine and asked him, "so did you hear any gossip today"... it may do wonders for our marriage.:)


Anonymous said...

be careful of the cronic gossipers though. if she is talking mean about 'everyone' , chances are she's talkin 'bout you too.
and that aint cool

Anonymous said...

My opinion on gossip is that whoever does it has such a lame, none exciting life that they have to talk about others because they have nothing else to talk about! Oh well most people who gossip alot end up being poor and have a meaningless existence!

P.S. Quentin is gay

Lisa's Diet said...

Hey T yah of coarse, no one likes a blabber mouth but the article goes over all that. Secrets told in confidence defiantly have to be kept.

Anonymous said...

i really should read the article yes, but my take on gossip has always been the same thoughts as the person that said Quentin is gay.
no, i dont agree Quentin is gay. i meant, i agree on the other stuff.
Dude, you are so not gay.
um helloooooooo hot wife in tow=non gayness.

Lisa's Diet said...

Tayna you have to read the article, oh and just ignore Bradely he just says that to get a reaction and most of he family just ignores him when he says that.

Anonymous said...

Bradley Bradley Bradley, oh you are so cute. if only my neice was old enough, right now. booo hooo.
p.s. will read article soon

Anonymous said...

Lisa knows what I say about gossip is true and that there is absoulty so postive aspect of it, thats why she argues against by Post script... It's all she's got!

Anonymous said...

PS.. I really would read that article if it were readable. Can you find an online version of it, the scanned magazine pages are way to hard to read.

Anonymous said...

all lisa's got is p.s.?

Susanne said...

I love gossip. Gossip is underrated.

Lisa's Diet said...

I googled the article and tried to find it online, but no such luck. I'll keep looking.