Saturday, November 05, 2005

Gardening in the Rain

I spent a good couple hours in my back yard today trying to reorgainze all the plants. I started early when it wasn't rainng but before long it was pouring. I didn't mind though, I had my nano on and I just kept it up till it was all done. Quentin took a picture when he came home from computer jobs.


Candice said...

Lisa you look so cute in your rain jacket! Good for you, gardening in the rain

Lisa's Diet said...

Yes being outside and working really hard, makes coming back in again, getting warm and relaxing for the rest of the day so much better.

Anonymous said...

did you go in the hot tub afterwards?
oh to have a hot tub, some day.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Lisa, you are always so good at those kind of things! I wish I had your motivation! You look so cute in your rain jacket too!

Lisa's Diet said...

No Hottub but I did have a hot bath, my legs were so cold.