Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I did a Axel today, ah yah.

For those who know skating.


Okay so I'm starting to get the skating bug again and if I can I'd love to be able to do all the jumps again. My biggest goal would be able to do a double axel since I've never landed one before. However if I pulled one of those off I think my poor father would fall over and have a heart attack right there.


Anonymous said...

triple sow, girl. triple sow. come on you know you can do it.
aim high , literally.
tee hee

Lisa's Diet said...

hmmmm I started to work on that before my knee flammed up. No the double axel is scarier and harder, you know that. :)

Anonymous said...

i actually always wondered which one was harder. i only made it up to double lutzes and the other doubles.

Lisa's Diet said...

Wow Tanya that's were I was too working on the double flips and lutzs and the occasional axel. Once I tried a few triple sows too. Oh memories, just thinking about all this is making my butt feel wet cold and painful.

Anonymous said...

oh cool. can you believe they no longer have figures.?
i hated them but will never forget when i got second at the sungod comp. tanked in the finals, but never thought i was good at figures.
i am the only one in the world that failed their pre-figures, before i even go to the actualy figures part. (inside edge = bleh)
rambling. sorry

Anonymous said...

woe, my writing is crap tonite.
where's green when you need him?


Lisa's Diet said...

figures, how many hours were spent going in circles, literally. I think I had to redo my 4th but I don't remember anymore I think I passed my 6th or 5th. I would actually love to do back inside loops again, maybe even serpentine ones. I'll have to go to my parents to see if I can find my figures skates I don't think I have them anymore. I just have the free skate ones.

Anonymous said...

loved back inside loops. serpentine, backwards, loops. ? um nooooooo , not for moi.

6th figure wow.
did you compete against keyla ohs? sounds like you were at a junior level?
i was almost pre-novice, i think but i loved my junk food by 11th grade, so my ass was grass and so were my jumps by then. :o(
i love all this skating talk. love it

Lisa's Diet said...

keyla ohs, she was amazing such good presentation. We used to skate at Kerrisdale together but I never competed against her, she had the double axel down pat, she made it look simple. Unfortuantley she had a dragon mother and quit just as made it to the national team. I was novice but my knee gave out and I never competed at that level. :(

Anonymous said...

i saw her doing double sows and axels when she was 7. insane. we all thought she was a little snot.
saw her on a documentary and i guess she was misunderstood cuz she seems adorable and sweet and she's with the coolest guy skater ever (besides KB of course)- Elvis Stojko