Monday, November 07, 2005

Sage Brocklebank

Click on this link, my childhood friend who decided to pursue acting has some web presence. I goggled (googled) his name today and he has a portfolio on IMDB. Miranda told me he'll have a regular role as a police officer on Smallville. Good job Sage.


Anonymous said...

lisa, i forget, did you go to school where i went? seaquam?

Anonymous said...


Lisa's Diet said...

Oh come on one little mistake and your throwing it in my face! Just give me 24hrs to fix it why don't cha.

Anonymous said...

green squiggy is baaaaaaack

Anonymous said...

"opps"....sorry it was just a "tinny" mistake, Barbarella.

Anonymous said...

it's you, i know it.
i know it

Lisa's Diet said...

I think if you're going to make corrections and call me Barbarella then say who you are!!! I'd like to be able to insult you back appropriately. ;)

Anonymous said...

totally, but i really think it's squiggy


Anonymous said...

p.s. when i said green squig is back, he never confirmed nor denied it.
hey green, sup?


Lisa's Diet said...

Yah he likes to sort of cruise way up high were no one can see him and then every once in awhile he launches a missile and were all shacking our heads trying to figure out were that came from.

Anonymous said...


Lisa's Diet said...

Double huh!!! At least take 2 seconds to sign in so I know who I'm talking to, you're pissing me off!

Quentin said...

How does one go about "shacking our heads"?

Anonymous said...

ew, that reminds me of house of wax for some reason.
never see that movie.
why do i let my 13 year old neice talk me into these things.
i'm damaged gods.


Lisa's Diet said...

Wow this blog has taken on a life of it's own.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha.
i dont mind
the husband is sleeping, he's sick. the boy is sleeping. and i'm waiting for gilmore girls.
omg, what is the deal with it being on so late? Thank god for the WB, when i can actually get down there at 5 and 8, very bad times on most days.
half an hour. hurry up, gilmores