Monday, January 31, 2005


Tonight we had a really good ballet class, I would like to report. The school called us and asked us how we thought the class was progressing and I told them I thought it was going a bit slow and wanted more stretching. So Voila the results were in and Miss Jenny told me we would be doing Tantric stretching at the end of class.
So we did our plies, batmons and portabras, these are all names I will forget tomorrow. Miss Jenny who is about my age and looks like she could be one of my friends stopped the class as we did our first exercise to inform us that she had shown us this exercise on 8 different occasions and that it was time we remember. She actually got stern with us, but I loved it because it pushed us to the next level. After that we did about 6 different exercises at the bar and usually we only do about 4. These exercises are only about 40 seconds long, but you really have to focus when she's demonstrating or you'll forget were your arms and feet go on each count. So ballet is basically us counting to 8. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 " sometimes we count to 12.
We finished our bar exercises and then moved out onto the floor, tonight we did some arm exercises and then some funny leapy things. It loved it, so much fun, the exercise was called pataja, I'm sure I didn't spell that correctly.
After we were instructed to form groups of 2's for the Tantric stretching. Jenny partnered with me and honestly it was the best type of stretching I've ever done, I'm so incredibly impressed with this technique I had no idea I could increase my flexibility so quickly.
So what you do is have someone hold one leg at a time while your slightly leaning with your back completely to the bar. You have to careful to keep your hips square so your properly supported by the leg your standing on. So then you take the leg that your not standing on and face it straight ahead and you start at about a 40 degree angle. Your partner (Jenny) then tells you to push down for 20 seconds. So you push push 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, 16,17,18,19,20. Then she tell you to relax and she pulls the leg up to 90 degrees. Then you push again till 20. Then you go to about 100 degrees or somewhere above the shoulder if the person helping you is 5,4. Once again you push till 20 and then relax. The last step is the best, after you've relaxed she keeps holding your leg up high and then you flex and try to hold it as she lets go.
On my left leg I could stay at about 110 degrees for a split second on my right only about at about 90 degrees. My left side is definalty stronger and more dominant.
Anyways I learned something new tonight and I'll be definitely trying it again.
Ballet anyone :)

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